Where are we going?
This post is written as a thought-experiment, meant to provoke further thinking and inquiry into the matters presented. It's not claiming to be in possession of any truth bigger than what is readily available for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. How does our world look from the point of view of somebody who has not received the societal and cultural conditioning, that plays such a fundamental role in the way we ourselves perceive the world around us? Entertain the thought for a second, that you are viewing the world as if for the first time. Removed are your prejudices and judgments you've learned to accept as part of yourself. Gone are the stereotypical associations you make automatically and quite unconsciously on a daily basis. Your very identity, so dependent on the environment that created it, gone, lost in the sea of noise our society is endlessly generating. Then what's left? Who is left? Who are you, human being, when removed from the context of the prevai...