Where are we going?

 This post is written as a thought-experiment, meant to provoke further thinking and inquiry into the matters presented. It's not claiming to be in possession of any truth bigger than what is readily available for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

How does our world look from the point of view of somebody who has not received the societal and cultural conditioning, that plays such a fundamental role in the way we ourselves perceive the world around us?

Entertain the thought for a second, that you are viewing the world as if for the first time. Removed are your prejudices and judgments you've learned to accept as part of yourself. Gone are the stereotypical associations you make automatically and quite unconsciously on a daily basis. Your very identity, so dependent on the environment that created it, gone, lost in the sea of noise our society is endlessly generating. Then what's left? Who is left?

Who are you, human being, when removed from the context of the prevailing paradigm? If nobody is there to tell you what to believe, what do you believe? Make an honest assessment of how much of your worldview is based on assumptions and second and third hand information? How much direct experience do you have with ideas you regard as absolute truth? How would you see the world if all your memories and previous experiences were wiped clean from your mind this very instant?

These might seem as nonsensical, highly theoretical, at best philosophical questions, that many of us would choose to rather not give too much time and energy to. So comfortable and seemingly safe are the bubbles of belief we inhabit, that viewpoints and ideas that are contradictory and different from our own way of perceiving the world, seem almost hostile and dangerous. Many would even choose to defend and enforce their own beliefs on others through either violence or the threat thereof. What is it that makes man attack his fellow earthling over a dispute over belief systems and ideologies?

Is there not enough space on this earth to hold as many differing viewpoints as there are people? What compels man to hurt others for the sole reason of not conforming to his own view of the world? Is he so insecure in his beliefs that he must violently enforce others to conform to his views, so that, god forbid, he would not be perceived as the "odd one out", or the "weird one"? 

The will to conform to our surroundings and the tendency to imitate and copy behaviors from others could be argued to be the very mechanism that helps humans to survive and thrive. But are we, as a collective - made up of many individuals - really thriving, if the non-conforming individual, seeking his own way, his own solutions, his own ideas and beliefs, outside what is seen as the "accepted norm", is persecuted, oppressed, maltreated and pressured - physically, emotionally and mentally - to conform to the perceived "will of the collective"? The "greater good". 

Nowhere is this as apparent, as in what we have come to call "the western world". Beliefs and ideas that support the validity and authority of the technocratic, globalist, corporatocracy as the only "right worldview" of our time, are being projected and fed into mass-consciousness through all the media outlets available. Alternatives to this bulldozer of a system are nowhere to be seen.

 Elon Musk and his SpaceX escapades are being sold to us as the greatest thing since grated cheese. Movies about robots and A.I. are being produced non-stop. Advertising has become so invasive and intrusive, one can barely experience a 24-hour period free of suggestions to buy this or consume that. We are being collectively primed for a technocratic future, in which the fabled Big Brother will have his watchful eye on everyone and everything.

 The political arena is also showing its true colors, as we see organisations (aka. corporations) such as the United Nations, WHO and European Union, exerting seeming administrative power and making decisions no individuals in the individual affected countries voted or agreed on, and in essence forcing countries to conform to rules and regulations imposed on them. If they don't conform - bye bye economic aid.

Where do these organisations get their power from? Where does political power come from? 

From an objective viewpoint, the collective (any collective), obtains its power from the individuals the collective is made up of. As such, any action seen as wrong, illegal or otherwise 'not okay', acted out by an individual, is by proxy to be regarded as wrong, illegal or otherwise 'not okay' , if acted out by the collective (most commonly represented by the state or government).

Imagine the following scenario: Ben works for a company making chairs. Ben earns 2000 units of money a month. Every month Steven however, comes to Ben's doorstep and tells him to pay Steven 400 units of money, which Steven will use for a number of good ends that will benefit Ben. If Ben refuses to pay Steven, he gets kidnapped, put in a cell, and kept there until he pays Steven the money and then some. 

If you think this sounds silly, it is because it is. The example of taxes given above is but one of many and through some reflection on the matter, the reader can probably find quite a few other examples on his/her own.

How can a government (supposedly an extension of the power of the people) have powers that the people it represents don't have in the first place?  We have been convinced, throughout our lives, by seemingly everyone around us, that an abstract entity known generally as the government, has power over us; has the power to tell us what to do and what not to do, and in these "modern" times even what to believe and what not to believe. 

A critical - questioning, inquisitive - mind will have entertained these thoughts many times before, and perhaps this article is aimed more at a mind that hasn't arrived at these thoughts on its own yet, to act as a sort of catalyst, to rattle the cage a bit as it were. We are approaching, at break-neck speeds, a time that will unquestionably define this part of our infinite journey, and what it ultimately means to be a human being, living in a transitional evolutionary phase such as we are experiencing at the moment.

The text presented here - even though extremely general, unstructured and quite frankly all over the place - might provoke in the reader a number of thoughts and emotions. Arguments against the validity of the points presented here will undoubtedly arise in the minds of some. Arguments to keep this paradigm in place. Arguments to halt any movement towards an obliteration of the status quo. 

Returning to where we began, and the thought-experiment proposed, who are you, when taken out of the context of your environment? Imagine again, seeing the world as if for the first time. Are the arguments to keep the world as it is still there? Are they really coming from you? Or has your own mind essentially become a mouthpiece for the system that wishes to remain in control at all costs?

This article is basically asking you to take a moment to ponder the paradigm in which you find yourself in.

A juvenile and immature mind, who has trouble contemplating anything but TV-shows and funny cat-memes, who gets agitated when his Instagram feed doesn't load in less than 3 seconds, who is living his whole existence outside of himself, swiping his thumb left and right while staring zombified into a screen, will soon come face to face with a reality he is not prepared for. Start preparing.


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