Tarot Journal Entry
Sometimes I use Tarot cards as writing prompts. Pick a few cards at random and let the mind run free. Here's one such journal entry I would like to share. The deck from which I pulled the cards is the 'Dreams of Gaia' deck, which has different Major Arcana cards than traditional decks.
The cards I pulled were 'Integrity', 'Choice' and '6 of Fire'. Here's what i wrote:
"Starting with Integrity - as should everything we do - which is a card, that has an energy, when fully embodied and integrated, is the answer to all our questions, for when we act from a place of integrity, we are in fact being true to our selves, in effect our True Self. When one acts as one thinks and feels, one has integrity. When one keeps his promises and does all that he can do to succeed, one has integrity. If one carries ones self like this throughout ones life, one is the solution to the worlds problems. The diseased and mentally ill state of our world can trace the vast majority - if not all - of its problems to the issue of integrity, mainly the lack of it.
The avarage citizen of our world - the avarage earthling - would rather have every responsibility alotted to him, in regards to his life and to that of his family, delegated to a fitting branch of the beast commonly known as authority, than to have to take it upon himself to find out for himself, what is good for him, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
So careless is man, and so lazy has he become so that the notion of "finding out for oneself" what the truth about a given subject is, has been diminished to - at the very best - to a single search on an online search engine that spits out anything but the truth. With so much information at our fingertips we are blinded by it and drown in the noise of the factory of chaos and insanity our society has become.
Integrity then plays a vital roll in esacaping the mental asylum. One must first have the courage, self-respect and honesty - all siblings of integrity - to look at the world, as if for the first time, and let it come to you, let it dawn on you that you are indeed a fool for having for even one second thought that the world you inhabit is anything but balls-to-the-wall, stab-yourself-in-the-eye, eat-your-own-fingers crazy and utterly mad. One must be able to integrate this schizophrenic aspect of our world in order to overcome it and to say no to it, and heal it, with integrity.
This rolls right into the second card, and the ultimate administrative power it symbolizes. It's your choice to stay hypnotized within the box that was assigned to you at birth. It's your choice to keep making excuses as to why you can't, instead of creating reasons as to why you can. It's a choice to play the victim.
The power of our choices in a free-will universe is right up there with the biggest lessons we are here to learn. We may not always posses the power to foresee, predict and sidestep all negative and painful experiences life wishes to bring us, and for good reason. Painful experiences oftentimes are necessary to shake us up, to start exercising our personal power through our decisions. As the saying goes; 'We can't choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we react'.
Again we seamlessly roll into the next and final card, the 6 of Fire. The answers we seek, and the solutions we crave, will not be found in fighting and conflict. Even though sometimes unavoidable, and also sometimes necessary, conflicts are always just a tool, a means to an end, a transitory experience needed in order to bring about an understanding - ideally in both parties - that in the future, similar situations can be handled in a different manner, so as to skip the intermediary stage of arguing and fighting, and instead solve any issue in a diplomatic, non-violent fashion.
The pictures these cards paint separately are clearly using all the same energetic colors and art-style. We grow and evolve in a myriad of ways during our life-experience and the more we do, the more responsible we become. Responsibility equals response-ability. How quickly and how well we are able to respond in the face of obstacles and dangers. If we are to expand and partake in higher forms of consciousness where entire worlds can be created and destroyed in the time it takes to think that thought, our response-ability most definitely needs to be on Masterclass level. Not to mention the integrity required to be able to wield such power in the first place.
The choices we make on a moment-to-moment basis imprint on our soul, like spiritual tattoos, the images and energies we choose to give power to. Make those choices in awareness of the interconnectedness of everything, and truly integrate the notions of self-accountability, honesty, compassion and responsibility."
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